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Tattoo, eyes, scar, height, hands

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Q: Name something specific you would try to hide if you were in a police lineup?
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Related questions

Name something specific you would try to hide if you are in the police lineup?

tattoo, eyes, scar, height, hands

Name something specific toy would try to hide if you were in a police line-up?

Tattoo, Eyes , Scar , Height , Hands

How much tax does the police pays?

This would depend on what taxes you are referring to and what city and state the specific police department is in.

What is something a police dog would get in trouble for doing?

biting someone

Name something you would hate to be chased by?

dog, police, bear, lion

When a minor at school abuses another minor and a parent did a police report . the school did something to the minor who did the harm . but can't the police do something or is that double jeopardy .?

The police can do something but you may have to contact them again and tell them you would like to press charges. The school discipline has nothing to do with police discipline. I did not know schools have a special police force what a stupid question.

Does a security officer have the police power to make an arrest?

Be more specific. In what state would you be asking about?

Who is The Police?

There are several member of law enforcement in the United Kingdom. If you are looking for the name of a specific officer, I would recommend visiting your local police station.

Would you call the police on your partner if they confessed to you about a crime?

you should because they did something wrong that is against the law so you should call the police.

Who is the english police?

There are several member of law enforcement in the United Kingdom. If you are looking for the name of a specific officer, I would recommend visiting your local police station.

Can you join police if your spouse has a criminal record for drugs?

Whether or not you can join the police force if your spouse has a criminal record for drugs would depend on the specific regulations and policies of the police department you are applying to. Each department may have different criteria for eligibility, so it would be best to inquire directly with the department you are interested in joining for their specific requirements.

Name something police dogs do that a police officer would get in trouble for doing family feud?

dog bites kid.tears up car.runs away.