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Q: Misdemenor for a simple worthless check that occured in 2003 will this prevent you from becoming a police officer in North Carolina?
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What uprisings occured in New York City in 1712 and South Carolina in 1739?

The New York and South Carolina Slave Revolts.

Uprisings that occured in new york city in 1712 and in South Carolina in 1739?

slave revolts

What year did the deadly tornado hit Charleston South Carolina killing residents at the market?

It was actually two tornadoes, and they occured September 29th, 1938

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i dont know you tell me i dont know you tell me

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One significant natural disaster that occurred in Georgia is the tornado outbreak in April 2011. This outbreak produced destructive tornadoes that resulted in numerous casualties and widespread damage across the state.

Did the Industrial Revolution impact the American Colonies becoming a country?

The American colonies were already together as states before the industrial revolution occured. The colonies became one country in 1776, the industrial revolution began about 1880.

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Well it depends on what you mean by the big idea. But if you are talkin about why the war occured then it occured because the English actually wanted French land such as Acadia. That is why the Seven Years War occured.

The first slave uprising in british north America occured where?

The first full-scale slave code in British North America was South Carolina's (1696), which was modeled on the Barbados slave code of 1661 and was updated and expanded regularly throughout the 18th century.