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Yes, police brutality is a punishable offense. Officers who are guilty of any form of assault could be charged with assault. They could also be fined, reprimanded, or possibly lose their jobs.

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Q: Is police brutality a punishable offense?
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Related questions

Is police brutality a common offense?

Police brutality has been reported to have increased since the 9/11 attacks, but there are no published statistics on the frequency of police brutality actions.

When was Collective Opposed to Police Brutality created?

Collective Opposed to Police Brutality was created in 1995.

What conditions are considered reasons for police brutality?

There can be no justification for brutality. The job of the police is to protect and defend.

Should police officers do police brutality to citizens in America?

No-one should "do" police brutality, that's why it's called brutality rather than reasonable force, which is what police officers should use.

How long do you get in jail for threatening to kill a police offircer?

This is generally a "Capitol" offense, punishable by death, or life without parole.

Can a police officer search your car if you don't have your insurance card?

Yes, it is grounds for a legal search. It is also a punishable offense.

What has the author Shailendra Misra written?

Shailendra Misra has written: 'Police Brutality' -- subject(s): Police brutality

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Why is police brutality used?

Your question cannot be answered. Police brutality in the US is both a crime and a civil rights violation. There is no 'use' for it.

What do you call it when a crime is punishable by death?

It is a death-penalty offense.

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the cow