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There is no requirement to limit it to the state. They can search national databases as well as those of other states, particularly ones you have lived in.

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Q: Is a background check in state only?
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Will an out of state misdemeanor warrant show up on a background check?

It depends on the thoroughness of the background check. Some background checks may include out-of-state warrants, while others may only focus on criminal records within the state. It's best to disclose any potential concerns to the employer or whoever is conducting the background check.

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Does apac customer service do a nationwide background check?

No they do not. If you tell them you lived in another state then they will do that states check... so if you dont tell them they will only do the state you are taking the test in... ;)

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Ammo, no. If you purchase a handgun from a dealer, a background check is required in every state, by federal law.

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Perform a Criminal Background Check?

form_title=Perform a Criminal Background Check form_header=Check the background of potential employees. How frequently would you want this service?=_ What type of information are you seeking when doing a background check?=_ Are you running background checks for a business?= () Yes () No

When an employer does a background check do they get info from other states or just the state you are in?

The background check can be a broad as the employer can afford. No employers except those designated law enforcement agencies by state statute can get NCIC national background data.

Do Child Abuse Complaints show up on a background check?

Child abuse complaints may not show up on a standard background check, as they typically only include criminal history records. However, in some cases, reports of child abuse could be included in a background check if charges were filed or a person was convicted of child abuse. It is important to check the specific requirements and scope of the background check being conducted.

Will a Criminal background check show if you were arrested but not convicted of something?

Yes, a criminal background check can show if you were arrested even if you were not convicted of a crime. This information is usually included in a comprehensive background check report.

How far in Colorado can they go in background check?

Background checks generally include both state and federal checks.

Will an out of state misdemeanor appear in a background check?

It depends on the type of background check being conducted. Some background checks only show offenses from the state where the check is being performed, while others may include information from out-of-state sources. It's best to check with the specific agency or organization conducting the background check for more information.

How far in the state of Oklahoma will a criminal background check go?

A criminal background check in Oklahoma typically covers an individual's criminal history within the state and may also include a national background check. This can include information on arrests, convictions, and other legal infractions within Oklahoma and nationwide.