Vince Offer is 6' 3".
Vince Offer's birth name is Offer Shlomi.
Vince Offer was born on April 25, 1964, in Israel.
Vince Offer goes by The Sham-Wow Guy.
Vince Offer (born Offer Shlomi) is 53 years old (birthdate April 25, 1964).
Vince Offer, or Vince Shalomi as his real name, was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida for felony battery charges against a 26 year old prostitute. He contended that he struck her after "she bit his tongue and would not let go."
Vince. He tells you at the beginning of the commercial.
Vince Shlomi is his real name but he is better known as Vince Offer.
Vince Offer, or Vince Shalomi as his real name, was arrested in Miami Beach, Florida for felony battery charges against a 26 year old prostitute. He contended that he struck her after "she bit his tongue and would not let go."
No way. Hes still alive.