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No. SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) is a civilian police tactical unit that may conduct operations similar to Special Forces units but only units within the U.S. Military can be considered a Special Operations Force. This is not the same within other countries, France and Germany both have Special Operations units that are police based (GIGN and GSG9) that handle counter-terrorism operations domestically. The main difference between a unit such as GIGN or GSG9 and an American SWAT team is that these units primarily focus on counter-terrorism. That's why they are also referred to as counter-terrorist teams. In the United States, civilian SWAT teams are only a first-line defense for domestic terrorism. In Germany and France their respective units are the unit of choice for counter-terrorism. Typically, American Special Operations Forces units such as the Army's Delta Force or Navy's DEVGRU will act as primary advisers or even as an assault force when civilian based SWAT feels like they can't handle the situation on their own. The FBI's Hostage Rescue Team is also one of the nations first line defenses on domestic terrorism, but is not a SOF unit. In the United States ONLY certain units within the U.S. Military are referred to as a SOF unit/Special Forces unit.

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Q: Is SWAT a Special Forces group?
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What does SWAT stand for?

SWAT = Special Weapons And Tactics.Used in armies and Police Forces. the useage in the army may cause them to make us use the swat team it's hard to join the swat team really isSpecial Weapons and Tactics (team).

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SWAT is not part of the Army. It is part of a civilian police force. Stands for Special Weapons and Tactics. For military counter-terrorist forces, you should check on the British Special Air Service, the German GSG 9, and the US Special Forces Operational Detachment Delta (Delta Force) and the US Navy SEALS.

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SWAT stand for?

SWAT stands for Special Weapons And TacticsSpecial Weapons And Tactic's

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