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Q: In order to obtain a warrant police must have .?
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What must the police have in order to arrest someone?

Probable cause or warrant

What does law enforcement need to obtain a search warrant?

They must provide a judge with probable cause to do a search.

Is it legal to obtain a search warrant of a friends house he does not live at for drugs?

First, you cannot obtain a search warrant. Police and prosecutors can, but only if they have enough evidence that there has been a crime, and that searching might solve it. Search warrants must be issued by judges.

How to fight a search warrant to obtain blood sample for a dwi arrest?

you must abide by a court order.............or be in contempt of court

Police must establish what for a warrant?

Probable cause.

What must police have to arrest people?

an arrest warrant.

What can you do if you disagree with the bench warrant?

Appear. A warrant is an order from the court for something to be done. A bench warrant is a order to any police officer (which they must obey) to arrest and deliver a specific person to the court. Going in on your own should cancel the warrant, and may let you avoid arrest.

Can a police open your safety deposit box or if your in probation to investigate?

It would be hard, if not impossible, for them to open it without your key! They could issue a search warrant if they had probably cause to suspect that items contained in such a secured environment were illegal.

What is an application and affidavit for search and seizure warrant?

In order to obtain a warrant, a police officer / prosecutor must ask a judge to issue the warrant (the application) and submit evidence (usually his own sworn testimony in the form of a written affidavit) that the search/seizure is supported by probable cause.Additional; The "application" for a warrant is called an "affidavit." The statement of probable cause contained in the affidavit MUST satisfy the issuing judge that sufficient probable cause exists to satisfy the law. ONLY after the judge signs the affidavit is a legally sufficient warrant issued.

I am concered how long is it going to take to get a warrant fro my son. H'e was rapped myex.?

The question is VERY unclear. As far as a warrant is concenred - in order for a warrant to be applied for, FIRST a report of a criminal offense must be made to the police.

What if there is no signature on a search warrant?

A search order must be signed by a judge to be valid. Police cannot conduct any search for which a search order is needed if it does not have a valid signature.

Does amendment 4 require police to provide a good reason or written accusation to obtain a search warrant?

Not specifically, but the applications for all warrants must be sworn and attested to by means of an AFFIDAVIT.