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no and no because your in a diffrent state plus it depends on what you didlike if you did man slaughter (accidentle murder) or 1st-3rd degree murder than you will be arrested for murder

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10mo ago

If you have an active warrant in Florida, it is possible that it may show up in other states' law enforcement databases when you are pulled over. However, whether or not you will get arrested depends on the specific circumstances and the discretion of the police officers involved. It is advisable to address any outstanding warrants as soon as possible to avoid potential legal complications.

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Q: If you have a warrant in Florida and you get pulled over in PA or any state for that matter will it show up and will you get arrested?
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If you have a warrant in New Jersey and you get pulled over in PA or any state for that matter will it show up and will you get arrested?

yes they can arrest you right then and there and * and transproted back to the state the warrant was issued

If you get pulled over in North Carolina as a passenger and have a warrant in Texas for an unpaid ticket will you be arrested?

if the warrant is for your arrest then yes you would be arrested

If you have a bench warrant in Minnesota for shoplifting misdemeanor what will happen if you get pulled over in Florida?

Minnesota is soo in the Red - financially, nothing will happen to you. as a matter of fact, the Florida officer won't even know of a misdemeanor warrant for you... only felony warrants are national... have fun

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Does Brian Patrick Williams have an arrest warrant?

I am a Brian Patrick Williams and to the best of my knowledge i was pulled over for speeding and was not arrested.

If pulled over in WA and you have a warrant in AZ do they run warrant check and Will it show up automatically?

Yup! You could arrested on the spot and then be extradited back to AZ. You will not be extradited for a misdemeanor. Idiots on the internet just want to scare you.

Will a ticket in Florida affect you in Alabama if you live in Alabama?

Potentially. The court in Florida will issue a Failure to Appear warrant for your arrest in that state if you miss your court date without proper notice. Consequently, if you were to be driving in Florida and pulled over for a traffic stop, you could (and probably would) be arrested. Additionally, if your name happened to be run through a police database by an Alabama officer, the warrant from Florida would show up. The best and easiest way to deal with it would probably be to contact the magistrate's office in the jurisdiction responsible for the ticket and arrange to mail a payment.

If police run your license plates will it show if you have a warrant are not?

Yes deffinetly........they have all that info and you will be arrested if you get pulled over!!!! so think before you drive if you have a warrent!!!!! hope this was helpfull to you!!!!

What is a fugitive from justice without a warrant charge?

This is not stating the type of charge he/she has, this just means that the person was detained and arrested because there is an active warrant out for the person outside of the state that they were arrested in. Here is an example of your question. A man owes child support in Michigan, failed to make payments, and now there is a warrant out for him. He no longer lives in Michigan and moved to Tennessee. He got pulled over for speeding in Tennessee and the police officer checked to see if there were any warrants, and there was a warrant issued from Michigan for failure to pay child support. So, the Tennessee Officer arrested him, and the reason for his arrest was "fugitive from justice without a warrant."

How long will your license be suspended if you have a ticket from Louisiana and now live in Florida?

It depends on what kind of ticket. Most tickets they have not been paid are issued with a bench warrant. As far as I know there is no satutes of limitations on warrants. I would suggest calling the court house in the state where the infraction occured and try to work something out before a bench warrant is issued. When that happens you can be pulled over for a simple fix it ticket and you can be arrested.

If someone defaults in court can you be arrested if you get pulled over for a speeding ticket?

If a warrant has been issued by the court yes, most officers check for wants and warrants when calling in a speeding citation.

Can you go to jail for not having auto insurance after an accident in ca?

Yes and No. Not initially when you are pulled over, however, if you do not show up for your court date you may be arrested or have a "bench warrant" issued for your arrest.