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For even the first offense, the person convicted of embezzling can serve anywhere than a few months to as much as thirty years. Far too many variables come into play for any more specific answer to be given. The offender can also face civil charges as well that require substantial reimbursement to the victim.

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Q: If an 18 year old that is already on probation has embezzled 590 dollars how long must they be in jail?
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probation and a fine possible jail time depend on priors and if you're already on probation.

What happens with someone skips bond and on probation already?

Probation violation you will go to jail. An still owe on fines an still will be own probation

Can someone be on intense violation if he is already on probation and he violated it but has not paid any money on it?

Unclear what is being asked. What is an "intense" violation? As far as your probation is concerned, if you are already in violation of your probation the judge might just decide to remand you to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence behind bars. ESPECIALLY if you've gone and re-offended while you were already on probation. Probation is not a "get out of jail free" card! How many bites at the apple do you think you're going to get?

If you have a warrant when you finally get arrested do you have to get on probation?

Probation or jail, or jail and then probation, it depends upon the judge.

Is there alternative sentencing for probation violation?

HIGHLY unlikely. The reason being - Probation is a sentence for being found guilty - it is not a 'get out of jail free' card! Probation is already an alternative sentence for going to jail. Now you want an alternative to an alternative?? I don't think so.

If you went to jail and you were on probation could your probation officer give you a warning?

Yes, your Probation Officer can certainly warn you if you have violated the conditions of your probation. He can also return you to jail.

What is the difference between felony and misdemeanor probation?

The difference between felony and misdemeanor probation is the felony is when a person is sentence to a jail term, but it can be served out of jail. The misdemeanor probation is not given jail time. They serve a probation period.

Is taking a parents car a crime?

yea trust me it is..... my bf and me did and we blew a tire ...we were so scared but after an hour or 2 we FINALLY found someone to help .... and now he could be on his way to jail (cause this was tonight)....he is already on probation for it , that's the first step, probation ... then jail .....:(

Can you serve probation while you are still in jail?

Yes, you can serve probation while still in jail if you talk with your judge and they like you lol. Just kidding , but my boy friend served 30 days because he didnt do his probation so he prettyy much just did jail time instead of probation

Jail sentence or probation?

depends how long the jail term is and if you have any comments..probation is a walk in the park if you play by their rules...

If a person receives a 1 year sentence and 6 years probation and has already servered the year in jail but has violated the 6 years probation what will happen?

It depends on the judge. He could make him serve six years in prison. Or he could sentence him to an additional year (or more) in jail.

If you are in jail for probation violation can the jail release you before you see a judge?

Yes. If your sentence has already been passed and pronounced and the jail has a copy of it (which they certainly should) they will comply with the courts order and release you on whatever date is specified in the order.