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they cost around £500-1500 but be careful there has been scientific evidence suggesting that at best there only 87% correct and possibly only 50% ie you'd be as good tossing a coin. a good body language book would help if you study it well apparantly body language rarely fails.

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15y ago
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14y ago
  • Lie detector machines are not given out randomly and you need the permission of the person you want to do the lie detector test on which you are not likely to get. Lie detector tests are not 100% accurate and cannot always be used in a court of law.
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13y ago
  • Lie detector tests are not used in the UK or any other country just to find out if a partner is cheating. Lie detector tests are used to find out if someone is lying about a crime they may be involved in and even at that they are not 100% accurate and may not be admissible in a court of law.
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16y ago

It depends on where you go. In Sioux Falls, SD its $500.00

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That is variable, depends what type you would want.

If you know your way around electronics, you can build a lie detector based on resistance (if they are sweating or not).

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Q: How much does a polygraph test cost?
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How much a fidelity polygraph test cost?

A polygraph test test can cost anywhere from $400.00 to 600.00 that would be according to what state or country you live in.

What is the word polygraph in a sentence?

The polygraph test is not "proof-positive". The polygraph test is not completely unreliable.

Is polygraph test are visible as evidence in court?

No, polygraph tests are not admissible in court. Court precedents have decided that the polygraph test is unreliable, and that the test could dishonestly persuade the jury's verdict. The polygraph test is only used for investigative, law enforcement needs.

How much will it cost to take a lie detector test and how much is a lie detector instrument?

It depends on the issue. $400 is a starting point. Some polygraph examiners will charge as much as $1500 for a polygraph test. The instrument is a different story. They're now using computerized polygraphs. The software program and equipment will run around $6K. A used analog instrument will run around $1,200 i think about $400.00

What is a polygraph test used to detect?

A polygraph is used to help detect if someone is lying.

What do you call a lie detector?

AHH a lie detector ANSWER by Engl1sh: A perfessional typically uses the term 'polygraph' test.

Can a polygamy test prove a persons innocence?

I think you mean a polygraph test. Polygamy is the practice of having more than one spouse. A polygraph test is a lie-detector test. It depends on the laws, in some places you can use a polygraph test as part of a legal trial and in other places you can't.

Is a polygraph test for employment legal?


What is a sentence using the word polygraph?

Clara had to take a polygraph test on the latest game show 'Tell the truth'.

Will Oreo cookies help you pass a polygraph test?

No, Oreo cookies are unlikely to help you pass a polygraph test. A polygraph test, also known as a lie detector test, measures various physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration to determine whether someone is being truthful or not. Eating Oreos, or any other food, before or during a polygraph test is unlikely to have a significant impact on these physiological responses, and thus is unlikely to affect the test results. In fact, attempting to manipulate the results of a polygraph test is generally not recommended and can have serious legal and ethical consequences. It is best to be honest during a polygraph test and to follow the instructions of the examiner.

How you use polygraph in a sentence?

The polygraph is commonly used during criminal investigations to determine whether a suspect is telling the truth.

What was the result of the first polygraph test?

The first polygraph was invented in 1917 and was used for counterintelligence work during World War I. In 1938, the FBI began using polygraph examinations. The first polygraph to be used in a courtroom as evidence was on Dr. Francis Sweeney; a chief suspect in the Cleveland torso murders. He failed the polygraph test but was released later due to lack of evidence.