Why not? Probably a part time firefighter if you are a full time Pastor.
a full time firefighter in Georgia earns an average year long salary of $48,157 on an average hourly wage of $23.15. A part time firefighter only earns an average hourly wage of $12.69
72 hours straight on the job.
I would say that they work about 16 hours a day.
dear firefighter, i'm sending you this letter because i want to know how can you not get hurt will your doing your job by been a firefighter. do the firefighter's help people in the fire but if they get hurt in a fire what do you do in that time and the firefighter's go alone in a fire time or they go with other people.
You will not be able to make much working part time shifts in a restaurant.
too much!
I work part time at Talbots and I make $10.50 an hour
$21 an hr if a BS degree and experience
sometimes 20 to 30 bucks
5% part time managment is higher