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utill you meet a good ole fasion cop killer

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Q: How many years can you serve as a police officer?
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How many years of university do you have to go through to be a police officer?

you dont have to go to university to be a police officer

How many years do you have to serve as a military police?

3-5 Years

How many years do criminals do if they kill a police officer?

20-25 years to life

How many years in college do you need to become a transit police officer?

5 years

How many years did leon Reynolds sr serve as chief of police for riviera beach?


Can an American become a German police officer?

Many states of Germany hace changed their apployment policy. A few years ago you had to be a German citizen to become a police officer. Now it is possible to become a police officer without being a German citizen in some States (like Hamburg).

How many pages does The Officer's Guide to Police Pistolcraft have?

The Officer's Guide to Police Pistolcraft has 424 pages.

How long does it take to become chief of police?

About 22 years. Becoming a police chief takes many years and numerous promotions after the initial position as patrol officer. Because each department only has one chief and that person might stay in the position for many years, a police officer might need to move to a different department to become chief. There is the possibility of jumping/skipping through the ranks which could make the journey to chief a little faster but on average, an officer might spend five years on patrol, 10 years as sergeant, five years as lieutenant, two years as assistant chief and finally a promotion to police chief. CDH Boomer Sooner

How many killed IN UK by police action police?

According to the, there have been 1000 in-custody deaths in britain over the past 30 years. only one has resulted in the prosecution of a police officer.

Can you become an police officer with an felony 3 and 4 but it happen when you were 15 and 17years old?

It's possible, but unlikely. In any event, you would have to demonstrate many intervening years of lawful conduct before you would be eligible to be a police officer.

How many does a metropolitan police officer get of a year?


How many years in jail for assulting an officer?

Assault and Battery on a police-officeris a felony crime in most states; sentences can vary from one to 10 years in prison.