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The police only put you in jail to hold you until you go to trial and are convicted. Then you get serious time. The exact time depends on many factors: the state you live in, who you robbed, who you are with, what the weapon is...

Robbery is a felony... which normally includes prison time. The exact times are different for each state, plus the courts decision. Depending on who you robbed, and what weapon you used, etc. the prison sentence may become much larger because of 'enhancements'. Bottom line, you could face 25 to life.......

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Q: How long do the police put you in jail for armed robbery if your caught with the weapon and they press charges?
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What will happen if you bring a weapon to school?

Nothing if you don't get caught. If you DO get caught, you probably will get suspended and taken to the police.

What is first degree robbery in Alabama?

In Alabama, robbery in the first degree is robbery with the use of a weapon, or making a victim believe there is a weapon. Even if a person does not have a weapon, they can be charged with first degree robbery if they cause an injury.

How much time for robbery with sudden staching without weapon and firearm?

This depends on the exact charges brought, and the prior record of the person charged.

What is armed robbery with a firearm?

That is a vague question. In general, armed robbery is the taking of another person's property by force using of a weapon of some kind. Armed robbery with a firearm is when that weapon is a gun.

Can there be entrapment in an armed robbery case?

Yes. For example, if an undercover police officer comes to you with a plan to rob someone and provides you with the weapon, that could be considered entrapment.

Can someone be charged with aggravated robbery with a BB gun?

Yes, a weapon is a weapon.

What is common law robbery?

Common law robbery is a robbery other than robberycommittedwith a firearm or other dangerous weapon.

Difference between armed and strong armed robbery?

Armed robbery is when the robber brings a deadly weapon to the robbery but does not use it and threatens to kill the person Aggravated robbery is when the robber uses violence and force to take money or fires the gun at the person

What is armed robbery and who is an armed robber?

If you steal something with your arms (and hands) then you are an armed robber. Armed robbery is when you steal from somebody using your arms to carry what you steal. No its not. Armed robbery is when you use force or a weapon to gain access into someones home, which in that case has to be when someone is home in order to inflict intimidation upon to gain access. Someone who is an armed robber would be someone who chooses to rob a home while someone is there by way of force, intimidation, and/or with a weapon. A "robbery" is committed when one person gains possession or control of another person's property by force or the threat of force. The robbery is "armed" when the threat of force involves an actual or implied weapon.

How many years can you get for aggravated robbery in Texas for providing the weapon but unaware what the use of weapon was for?


Which is the act of using a deadly weapon to help you steal?

Stealing with violence (gun, knife, fists, other wreapons, or even the threat of violence) is robbery. It doesn't matter if the weapon is deadly or not, it is robbery. It would be armed robbery if you had a firearm.ANOTHER VIEW: It is defined as ARMED ROBBERY. It makes NO difference what the weapon is (gun, knife, stick, table leg, golf club, etc) if you are "armed" with it and use it as a weapon to put the victim in fear of their life or grave bodily injury you have committed ARMED robbery. The answer above is incorrect as to the use of fists or feet as the instrument of the robbery, THAT particular charge would be called "Robbery By Force And Violence."

What is the average jail sentence for robbery in the 3rd?

i know that no matter what, the minimum amount of time is 7 years for a robbery with a weapon