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Math is used by narcotic officers to determine the possible production capabilities of a methamphetamine or crack cocaine lab. The capabilities of the lab can determine the sentence of a narcotic trafficker. Math is used by narcotic officers to determine the possible production capabilities of a methamphetamine or crack cocaine lab. The capabilities of the lab can determine the sentence of a narcotic trafficker.

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17y ago
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13y ago

Officers have to be able to tally the cost of individual items to determine total loss in a crime. They may be required to compute the duration of time between two times or dates. Accident investigation involves numerous formulas to calculate speed from skid mark measurements, crush depth of vehicle panels, angular momentum, etc. Determining the error between the speed indicated on traffic radar and the actual speed of a vehicle (indicated speed is never greater than actual speed) involves a calculation using trigonometric functions.

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15y ago

math determines how many years you will spend locked up in prison with the key thrown away.

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15y ago

How is math used in the criminal justice field?

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15y ago

Most Criminal Justice programs require statistics and I believe this is also the math used in research in the subject.

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12y ago

Mathematics were tossed out around the same time Ethics were in the criminal justice system ... hence, Court System.

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they do not

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Q: How do police officers use math in their job?
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How DO* police officers use geometry obviously you're not smart enough to be anything else.

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With an abacus.

Do police officers use CPR?

Depends - some may be trained to however it is not required when entering the police force. Usually when there is an accident, medics respond as well as police officers.

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The police use a breathalyser kit.

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how do police officer use math when somebody die

What do police officers use?

Guns, tasers, police sticks, walkie talkies, etc.

How does a soldier use math in there job?

Usually they wouldn't, being a soldier is about doing dirty work with weapons, and doing long marches. Not much math involved with just shooting people. However, officers may definitely use math, they have to organize their forts and sometimes decide where to attack.

How do the police use mathematics?

Police use math in many aspects of their job. they keep statistical data on a variety of things from collision stats to trends in criminality. They use math to calculate rates of speed and other things such as braking distances at collision scenes. They could use math to calculate the volume of drugs they have seized and its street value. plus many other things.

Should police officers do police brutality to citizens in America?

No-one should "do" police brutality, that's why it's called brutality rather than reasonable force, which is what police officers should use.