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Q: Does the judicial responsibility determine probable cause exists to issue a search warrant?
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What does Affidavit for arrest warrant mean?

The written and sworn statement offered by a law enforcement official that describes the facts and circumstances that the official believes constitute probable cause sufficient for the judicial official to issue a search or an arrest warrant.

What is required for an arrest warrant?

probable cause

What is the purpose of a warrant?

In the Bill of Rights the fourth amendment says the government must have a warrant and probable cause to search and/or seizure of your property.

What are the conditions necessary to issue a warrant?

Police are required to have probable cause, to produce a sworn statement outlining what led to probable cause, the warrant must be particular in regards to the search (desirably leaving nothing to the discretion of the officer), and must be issued by a neutral and detached magistrate.

What must an official have to get a warrant?

probable cause

Is probable cause an element of a search warrant?


How is a search warrant related to a probable cause?

it isnt

Police must establish what for a warrant?

Probable cause.

Who is the responsible for determining the existence of probable cause for the issuance of a warrant of arrest or search warrant?


What does law enforcement need to obtain a search warrant?

They must provide a judge with probable cause to do a search.

If a confidential informant does a controlled buy of methamphetamine then leaves the location and returns later is that probable cause for a warrant?

Yes, it is indicative that the sale of Meth is being carried out at that location. which is probable cause for a warrant affidavit to be submitted in support of a warrant.

Can a psychological profile be used to gain a search warrant?

Not by itself. It would have to be linked with other quantifiable evidence that would tend to make the judicial officer believe that the entire package constituted enough probable cause.