Club's officers. This is because they are the officers of the club, or belonging to the club.
No words are contracted into apostrophes.
Inches is shown by two apostrophes (").
Only use apostrophes in contractions, and to show possession
The duration of Apostrophes - talk show - is 3600.0 seconds.
Apostrophe has only one name. It's apostrophe. The plural is apostrophes.
Apostrophes - talk show - was created on 1975-01-10.
Apostrophes - talk show - ended on 1990-06-22.
Apostrophes and quotation marks can be used interchangeably.
The apostrophes when used in the Latin language serve many purposes. These apostrophes are punctuation marks that sometimes serve as diacritic marks that show possession.
Apostrophes usually mark where letters have been omitted. For example, he's instead of he is, they're instead of they are.