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No, NJ does not give Private Security officers/guards any special police powers to execute an arrest. You only have the power to make a citizens arrest. However you should talk to your employer first, since they may not want you to arrest anyone, due to the problems that come with court fees and liability issues. You function as a private citizen. Some states do grant Security guards police powers, Ex- federal security officers. You can detain individuals however you may be accused of false imprisonment which carries the dangers of liability. Train conductors, teachers, firemen, EMT's ect.. are all protected under the law, for being state employees. Private security officers work for private corporate interests, not the state. I used to work in security, but due to the dangers of liability and not having any special status within the law, i quit the industry.

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THey hold the power of a sworn law enforcement officer but only when on the property or properties they are authorized to protect.

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Q: Does a security officer have the police power to make an arrest in new jersey?
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Security officers cannot make an arrest unless they have peace officer status. They can however detain a person until police arrive.

Does a security officer have the police power to make an arrest?

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Yes, of course. An arrest warrant is a command from a judge to arrest a person. Usually a police officer has no choice and must arrest.

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The elements of an arrest typically include the police officer informing the individual that they are under arrest, the police officer physically restraining or restricting the individual's movements, and the police officer intending to take the individual into custody to face charges.

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No, a police officer cannot issue a warrant for your arrest only a judge or court magistrate can do that.

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No. They cannot.

Who can ARREST sheRiff?

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