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Q: Can you go to jail for getting suspended in school?
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Do children in grade school K-12 go to jail for in-school sex?

no they would just get suspended from school and the principle would call the parents of the child

What happens if you get caught driving when your 15?

You will go to jail and your permit willl be suspended.... ==Update== It depends on the state. Most likely you will get fined. You wont go to jail at 15 though. And it depends on the cop/judge whether or not your license is suspended.

What are the consequences for cyber stalking?

If you stalk someone and they catch you, you can go to jail.

You are 13 can you go to jail for ditching school?

NO, you will most likely never go to jail for skipping school. probly skipped like 200 days of school in the last 2-3 years. & only got court for it. Not jail.

Do children go to jail if they don't go to school in the UK?

yes,but they don't seeing how nobody likes jail.

Why skipping school wrong?

Skipping School is wrong because you can get suspended and not learn while your suspended . your grades could go down low and you will fail your grade.

How long would you be in jail if you got caught with drugs in your locker at school?

Unless your over 18, you wouldn't go to jail. You would go to Juvy, and then a "Safe school" for the rest of Middle School/High School

What do you need to go to school?

You need to go to school to learn things when you get older so you dont go to jail

Can police go to jail for getting friendsand relatives out of jail time crimes?

yes, because their relatives should be in jail if they get out of jail by a police its a crime

Who teaches how to draw in jail?

Jail is where you go as punishment for breaking laws. It's not a drawing school.

What did Rosa Parks go to jail And why did sheb go to jail after getting areasted?

she went to jail because she wouldnt give up her seat on a bus to a white man

What is going to happen because you totaled your car yesterday with no insurance and a suspended drivers license?

You are going to go to jail. Enjoy!