That may depend on the jurisdiction where the citation was issued. State and local laws may apply.
Yes, Ne-Yo did get arrested for reckless driving.
Faith went to jail for drunk driving.
Yes, Reckless driving (or endangerment) CAN carry a jail sentence.
You go to jail and get sober.
Yes, you can go to jail for a traffic violation if it is a serious offense, such as reckless driving, driving under the influence, or causing a fatal accident.
Pitbull went to a Miami jail for charges of driving under the influence
This depends on the state where the driving offense occured and what offense was commited. After your second driving offense of driving after revocation, you would most likely serve jail time.
When a person is driving but is not paying full attention to the road
Pitbull went to a Miami jail for charges of driving under the influence
3 and a half
Yes you risk jail time as well as the possible deaths of yourself and others.