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no because they are still considered a minor but they can be put in juvenile

Another View: If the 17 year old has committed a serious offense and has been bound over for trial as an adult, yes. If found guilty they can be sentenced to serve their time in an adult facility.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It depends on the laws of the country you reside in. Many countries have a minimum age at which a person is considered responsible for criminal acts. That age will be determined by the particular country. Some countries do not have such legislation so in those places someone could be sent to jail at any age, though it is unlikely.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

That depends on whether you had sex, whether you robbed a convenience store or sold drugs, whether you are a boy or a girl, and what country and state you are in.

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Can you go to jail at any age?
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Can you go to jail at age 18 in alaska even if your still in high school?

Yes. Once you turn 18 you are considered an adult and any adult that commits a crime can go to jail.

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Yes,you can actaully go to jail for that.

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You should be put in a young offenders jail not an adult jail at that age.

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Dating is not legislated. However, if you have any sexual contact of any type, the youngest must be over 16.

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Over age persons still go to jail for sexual intercours with sixteen female?"

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any and every person convicted of a crime can go to jail ...

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34 years old

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You can go to jail for any violation of criminal law. Some states also allow jail for civil contempt.

What happens if you fake your age on a website?

You could possibly go to jail

What is the average age of people who go to jail?

about 22 years old

Will you go to jail if you hit a female?

Hitting ANYONE, regardless of their sex or age, is ASSAULT. Yes, you can go to jail for it, and if the female is pregnant, it is an 'enhanced' penalty. .