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Once an arrest has been made, the charges can be dropped only by the prosecutor's office. The police cannot withdraw the charge.

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Q: Can you contact the officer that arrested your girlfriend if you want to drop the charges?
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Yes, and most often the officer has no choice. If the police are called to a dispute and there is evidence of assault then the officer is usually required to arrest one or both parties.

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Contact your local prosecuting attorney.

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You can get arrested for assaulting anyone, including an off duty peace officer.

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James Stewart was arrested today for impersonating an officer.

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Anyone impersonating any type of police officer can be arrested and charged with a number of different false personation charges. Depending on circumstances the charges can be misdemeanors or felonies.Veterans Administration Hospital Police are Federal Police Officers.

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You can file a complaint, charges would need to be brought by the local prosecuting attorney.You should discuss the matter with a local attorney. A local attorney can give the best advise for your particular situation.

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