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School is for education. Young people belong in school. Teachers belong in school. Police belong anywhere there is crime. If a school finds it necessary to recruit or hire police protection, then there is something seriously wrong with the education system.

Having police in our school can promote a distraction and make the students feel scared and uncomfortable.

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Police do not need to be in public schools because there are only kids that go to public schools, not inmates or wanted criminals. There should not be police in middle schools because when the police are there, the entire school becomes nervous and cannot act properly and will not be able to focus in schools when the police are constantly watching. Plus, the departments don't have enough money to pay for the extra police to supervise the public schools, therefore, police shouldn't be in public schools. Police should go to anywhere that crime or criminal activity is taking place or suspected. Police should go to any public place to protect the innocent where any member of the public may be at risk from violence or other crime. If the life and property of vulnerable people is under threat from armed attacks, they should be protected using all legal means and by the deployment of government forces if necessary. The alternative is anarchy. Police should definitely be in public schools. Most of the mayhem and chaos that happens tend to involve high school kids. Scoping them out in school will prevent problems from arising in the city.

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