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Yes an officer can still search your car. The officer could claim there is probable cause to search your car, because you just denied the search, which the officer would say, looks like a sign of guilt.

Another View: NOT exactly! If you do not voluntarily consent to a vehicle search, the officer can still partially search it, but he MUST confine his search to the immediate area around, and within the reach of, the driver.

To carry the search any further he could call for a drug dog or need some probable cause to place you under arrest and impound your car. Of course if he observes anything suspicious while within the car (the butt of a gun - 'roaches' in the ash tray - drugs, pills, or other contraband on the floor mats, etc. then you're pretty much 'toast.'

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15y ago

You can. But - be aware - rulings of the Supreme Court give the police the power and authority, under certain conditions, to conduct a limited search without your permission and without a warrant. If those parameters do not fit your particular situation, and you still refuse the search - if the police have sufficient probable cause to search it, they will simply either detain you, or impound your car, until they have secured a warrant. As for canine searches (drug sniffs) they are not considered 'searches' under the law.

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16y ago

You cannot let a Police officer search your car when it has been stolen.

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I think they only can search the car if they have probable cause.

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It sounds like they did! Can they do it? Yes they can. As you saw, they did. Was it legal? That is a different question. You did not ask that question. You did not say why you were not in your car. You did not say why your passenger was arrested. You did not say what the police found when they searched your car. Here are suggestions. 1. If you have a lawyer, ask him. 2. Ask the police for your car back. 3. Tell it to the judge.

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Police are liable for the damage that they do to your car. You can file for damages against the police department to get your money.

Can they search a car after you handcuffs?

I think that would be rather difficult for you to search your car while in handcuffs. Now, can the police search your car while you are handcuffed? Sure if they have your permission or if they have a search warrant.

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Prowl is what they do, not what they are. To go about stealthily in search of prey

Police never ask if they can search the car in Texas?

The vehicle can be searched with probable cause, or if the car is being impounded an inventory will be done. The police do sometimes ask for permission as well, and that is another way the search can be valid.

What admendment protects you from police searching your car?

The fourth amendment protects citizens from an unreasonable search of your car.