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Police may lawfully enter a home by consent, with a search warrant, or in the case of exigent (unusual or emergency) circumstances, such as when they believe a crime is in progress inside. While it is possible for police to enter your home and plant drugs there, just as it is possible for anyone else to do so, the entry would be unlawful.

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Q: Can police enter your home if your not at home and is it possible for them to plant drugs in my home when I am on the way to the hospital?
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If the police can enter the home can they also arrest the homeowner for the drugs that are in plain view?

If the police are in the home legally, and the drugs are in plain view, then yes, the police may seize the drugs and arrest the homeowner for possession of the drugs. However, in my opinion, the officer would be better off obtaining a search warrant, although it is not required.

What does it take for the police to have a search warrant to enter your house today?

if they find illegal drugs or a unregistered gun in your car they can have permission to enter your home for the reason they have met you for

In what circumstances do police have the power to enter your house?

the police have power to enter your house if they have a warrant.warrants are given by special people in high places and if they gain this warrant they have reason to believe you have something illegal in your house,e.g drugs,guns,evidence for a crime,etc.

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a police officer with a warrant has the legal power to enter a home without the permission of the homeowner of tenant and seize any and all possible evidence or illegal drugs etc. example: marijuana, crack cocaine, unlicenced arms, murder weapons.

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The squeeze thng

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Yes, once police are engaged in what is called "Hot pursuit" they then have the right to proceed with and enter the residence by virtue of "probable cause."

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Drugs can enter the blood stream by a number of ways: Swallowing Smoking Snorted Injected Suppositried (inserted through he anus, as a capsule,etc)

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