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An arrest warrant can only be issued if the person it served on has violated some law. It can be supposed that you may asking if you can be arrested for failure to appear in a divorce and custody case. As such matters are of a civil not criminal nature, you cannot typically be arrested for failing to appear, regardless of the reason. If, however, you were ordered to appear by the judge, and you did not, you may be held in contempt of court, and it would be a very good idea to contact the judge's clerk and provide documentation to support your failure to show.

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Q: Can an arrest warrant be issued in a divorce and custody matter if you had a life threatening disorder and the doctor would not let you travel?
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Go to a judge or D.A. and ask for a warrant to be issued. Make sure you can show probable cause.

Can the police knock on your door and arrest you if you have a warrant for contempt of court?

Of course they can. That's what a warrant is issued for - to take you into custody.

What if the name on the Arrest warrant is not you Are the police still allowed to take you into custody?

i don't think so - they would have to have reasons and an arrest warrant to arrest youAdded; Given the circumstances as stated on the discussion page, they could not legally take you into custody on that warrant given the amount of conflicting information. HOWEVER - if there was some other reason for them to take you into custody (i.e.: you obstructed them - or were in the commission of a separate and un-related offense) they could take you into custody based on THAT situation, separate from the warrant service.

What is a bench warrant in the state of Wisconsin?

A bench warrant in ANY state is a warrant issued directly by the court, on its own authority, to take the named individual into custody.

What is an unendorsed warrant?

It mean a justice of the peace did not endorse the warrant and you are to be held in custody until you go before the justice in person.

Can you get of an arrest warrant by paying a warrant fee in Washington with out going to jail?

No. A warrant is not a "ticket" that you can out of by simply paying a fine. A warrant is issued for one purpose - to take you into custody - and bring you before the court.

Does your probation officer have to tell you i have warrant before your next visit?

No. It is your probation officer's responsibilty to have you taken into custody on the warrant when you report. If your officer told you you have a warrant, then you may not report.

Must you have a warrant of arrest to allow for surrender into custody?

It is not necessary for a warrant to actually exist - if you know, or suspect, that you are wanted for an offense you may voluntarily surrender yourself to to authorities wtihout the existence of a warrant.

Can probation revocation warrant be took care of before the person gets in custody?


If you have a warrant in North Carolina and live in Florida can you be served in Florida?

If NC has entered the warrant into the interstate law enforcement system, yes, FL can serve the warrant - take you into custody - and hold you for extradition to NC.

You were in jail when your sons dad filed and recived custody on your son now he has a warrant for his arrest what can you do?


Warrant over a month old what will happen next?

The warrant will remain active until the named person is taken into custody by authorities or voluntarily presents themselves to authorities of jurisdiction.