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Yes thay can and will seize the any owned property to pay for the cost of care if a family member has not been given prower of attorney. The only way to stop that is to get a lawyer and only if the senior is declared incompetent by a health care provider can you fight for that.

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Q: Can adult protective services seize a bank account?
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No. Once filed, no one can seize or tey and collect anything with out court approval.

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Not without the approval of the court

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== == no they can not do so for a medical bill.

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Typically they can seize liquid assets if there are taxes owed.

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Question should include a more specific circumstance or example - USUALLY state child protective service agencies are armed with sufficient powers and do not need an order to immediately "seize" a child for the child's own safety when it is done under exigent circumstances.

When can a bank seize funds from your account?

A bank can usually seize funds from your account if you have outstanding debts owed to the bank and they have a right of set-off. This means they can use the funds in your account to cover what you owe them without requiring your permission. However, there are legal guidelines and procedures that the bank must follow before seizing funds.

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In the state of North Carolina, it is very hard to seize a bank account. When an account is joint, it can not be seized unless the debt is the debt of both parties.

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If your bank account has been seized because of a debt you owe, you should call and work out a payment arrangement with the creditor. You should also start a new bank account.

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