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All SS benefits and public assistance benefits are exempt from creditor action. If the benefits are commingled in a bank account with non exempt funds, it is possible for a judgment creditor to request the court freeze the account until the amount of exempt funds is proved.

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Q: Can a creditor garnishee wages if you are on public assistance?
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How long can a creditor come after you for an unpaid balance and what can they do?

looks like 6 years. AFTER they get a judgement, they can garnishee your wages, ect. NO JAIL.

Who is a garnishee?

If a person has a legal financial judgment against them they can have part of their wages taken by the court. Their wages are garnished and they are the garnishee.

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What happens after your creditor has sent your account to an attorney?

The attorney gives you some time to pay, then gets a judgment and uses the other legal options(garnishee wages, attach property, bank accounts).

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How do you know if your wages are being garnished?

when there is a garnishee on wages, it has to go through a court that way you will be notified by the company and the court.

Can a lender garnish your wages and income taxes after repossession?

IF they have a JUDGEMENT for the balance due, they can garnishee your wages. Income taxes?? NO

In Ohio what percentage of wages can be garnished and what exemptions are allowed for judgment action on a loan deficiency amount for a repossessed vehicle?

Ohio follows federal garnishment guidelines which allow a maximum of 25% of the garnishee's disposable income to be seized, with the first $154.50 weekly based income being exempted. Child support, alimony, disability benefits, public assistance, and all Social Security benefits are 100% exempt from garnishment by a judgment creditor. The judgment creditor must serve (or make a reasonable attempt to deliver) a 15 day notice to the named garnishee before the action can commence. Other personal and real property that can be exempted from judgment creditor attachment are outlined in Ohio BK exemption statutes. Please note, it is the responsibility of the judgment debtor to claim the allowed exemptions.

Will SAFCO garnish your wages for a 12000 repossession?

Any lender has to get a judgment before they can garnishee anyones wages.Then the debtor has to have wages before any lender can garnishee them. It is up to the lender whether or not they go that route in the collection process.

Do they have to leave you enough money to pay your bills when your wages are garnished?

Unfortunately a garnishment order does not consider the financial situation of the garnishee when executed. The state laws in which the garnishee resides determines the percentage of monies to be attached. Federal law protects the first $154.50 (weekly/40hr. based) of the garnishee's wages. Amounts above the aforementioned are subject to garnishment as allowed under the laws of the state where the garnishee works and/or resides.

Can a creditor garnish your federal wages?

becuse was the wages