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No. Depending on the crime, they may have many years to develop prosecution evidence.

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Q: Been accused of a crime but no arrest in 5 months are you ok?
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Can you be arrested if someone files a police report on you?

It depends on what crime you have been accused of. And yes, if someone files a report on you they can arrest you with evidence for a minimum of 48hours even if the report turns out wrong.

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By its solution. A crime is only "open" unless it cannot be proven who it was that committed it.

What is an authorization by the court to make an arrest when the suspect has not been seen committing a crime?

It's arrest warrant

What is an authorization by the court to make an arrest when the suspect has not been seen committing the crime?

It's arrest warrant

What are the legal basis for arrest?

A police officer must have probable cause in order to arrest someone. They can arrest a person if they see a crime taking place or if an arrest warrant has been issued.

Can you get a lawyer when accused being racist?

If you have been accused of any crime then in most countries of the world you can and should get a lawyer.

Is a police officer obligated to honor a citizens arrest?

No. If the officer doesn't believe a crime has been committed and there is some evidence the accused is responsible, taking the accused into custody would only aggravate an unlawful situation. An alternative to taking a person into custody on a citizen's arrest is to issue a citation or summons to appear in court, with the citizen making the arrest signing the citation as the complainant. Whether this option is available depends on the local laws and legal customs.

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Who should be interrogated?

Someone accused of a crime and has been read their Miranda rights.

Is there statute of limition in Louisiana for speeding tickets?

The purpose of the statute of limitations is so that someone is not surprised with being accused of a crime many years after the fact. You've already been notified that you have been accused of a crime. There is no statute of limitations.