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By Laws, Approval by Board


This is the approval of the Certificate of Incorporation.

Resolved that the By Laws of the Corporation, which have been presented and reviewed by each director of the Corporation, and which were received and filed in the office of the Secretary of the State in the state of incorporation, shall be, and are hereby approved, a copy of them shall be inserted in the minute book of the corporation.

The Directors hereby sign and approve this resolution,

_________________ ___________________ ___________________

Each Director Signs



Certificate of Incorporation, Approval by Board

Review List

This review list is provided to help you complete the formalities required to set up your corporation properly. This document is intended to memorialize this transaction through the unanimous approval by the Board of Directors.

1. Make sure that the document is signed by all the directors of the corporation.

2. Keep the signed document with all the important corporate papers for your corporation such as in your corporate minute book. Also, keep a copy of this document with the backup copies of your corporate documents in your file kept at your office or home.

3. Remember that keeping good corporate records, or formalities, in a timely manner will server you well in most corporate disputes, especially any regarding governance and the personal liabilities of any Directors or Officers. In this litigious world, this is no small matter.

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