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Sorry, but probably not. Most jurisdictions do not have cat leash laws, and it is in the nature of felines to hunt prey (birds and small animals).

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Q: Your neighbors cat ate your rabbit is there anything you can do about it?
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Does your cat puking have anything to do with being in heat?

No, a cat vomiting is not typically related to being in heat. Vomiting can be caused by a variety of reasons such as hairballs, dietary indiscretion, or medical issues. If your cat is vomiting frequently, it's best to consult a veterinarian for proper evaluation and treatment.

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they eat rats,mice,and anything in the mouse selected:)

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Dappletail dies of natural causes in her sleep, as she is an elderly cat at the time of her passing in the Warriors series.

When was The Cat Ate My Gymsuit created?

The Cat Ate My Gymsuit was created in 1974.

Can rabbits eat catnip?

No. Rabbit pellets are too low in fibre, especially the kind of fibre that wears down the rabbit's teeth; they're also too high in protein and fat to be the only source of food. Rabbits should also have plenty of hay (unlimited access), and fresh leafy green vegetables are also healthy. See the related question below for more details about the rabbit diet and helpful links.

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The Cat Ate My Gymsuit has 160 pages.

Are rats a great pet for a teenager if they already have a cat?

RATS AREN'T EASY TO TAKE CARE OF AND THE CAT WOULD EAT THE RAT --------------------------------- I agree, my neighbors cat ate their rat. ------------------------------------------------------ I think a ferret would be perfect for you. they'll be ready to play when ever you want and i have had no problem with my dog or cat trying to eat her.

What kind of creature is part Cat part rabbit?

It is a cabbit. I think my cat is part rabbit. her hind legs are definitely rabbit-ish. ive held one of those before it has a head of a cat front legs of a cat but the front legs are shorter than usual and i dont know what it eats but i gave it cat food and celery it ate both.....well its really cute and it hops like a bunny sometimes its pretty funny actually i dont know but i think it was a result of cross breeding

Can rabbits live with kittens?

Only if they are both the same size. Cats are predators and rabbits are prey. If there is a clear advantage then the cat will act and will most likely kill the rabbit. I had a little bunny and my neighbor's cat killed it and ate it. I found the cat toying with the body.

What is the breed of cat seen in neighbors?

It's a "Ragdoll" cat

What happens if your neighbors cat attacks you?

Sue the cat owner!!