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Your son can only sell his own interest in the property if you are a co-owner. However, he will have trouble finding a buyer for his interest because the bank is taking possession of the property by foreclosure. His selling of his interest would not stop the foreclosure unless his buyer paid all the outstanding debt on the mortgage. If he did find a buyer the buyer would become a co-owner with you. He cannot sell your interest. The foreclosure will affect your credit record as well as his.

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Q: Your name is on the mortgage and deed your son lives in the house it is going to foreclosure and he is going to sell what are your rights?
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If the deed of the house is in your husbands and your name and you are paying the original owners mortgage what are your legal rights to the home?

You and your husband are the legal owners of the property but it is subject to the mortgage. If you default on the mortgage payments the bank can take possession of the property by foreclosure.

How do you know when your house is in foreclosure?

You will be informed by the mortgage company or bank.

Do you have ownership rights to the house if you are listed on the deed but not on the mortgage?

Yes, but if your name was added to a deed after the owner granted the mortgage your interest is subject to the mortgage. If the mortgage isn't paid the lender will take possession by foreclosure and your interest will be wiped out.If the mortgage is paid and the house is sold you will receive half of the proceeds at the time of sale.

What is the solution of house foreclosure?

There are actually companies that will work with you for free to buy your mortgage away from your mortgage company and avoid your foreclosure. I would advise looking into this first.

What is the foreclosure process on your house?

That depends on your state. The laws for foreclosure are set by state. There are actually companies that will work with you for free to buy your mortgage away from your mortgage company and avoid your foreclosure. I would advise looking into this first.

Can you make payments before you are 3 months late with you mortgage payment to stop foreclosure?

Yes, but contact your mortgage company and make the arrangements. Lenders always prefer making arrangements rather than going into foreclosure because they lose money on every house foreclosed on.

What are the rights of a person whose house has been repossessed?

Once your property has been taken by a foreclosure procedure you have no rights in the property. An exception would arise if the foreclosure procedure or the mortgage was found to be invalid. Those factors may become more an issue as the sub-prime mortgage crises evolves and lenders are sued for deceptive, fraudulent and outright illegal lending practices.

Are you responsible to pay the mortgage after foreclosure?

No. The bank owns the house after foreclosure. But your credit report will take years to fix. Good luck.

Can you make a meaningful sentence using the word mortgage?

Failing to pay my mortgage resulted in the foreclosure of my house and the end of my marriage.

Does private mortgage insurance protect you from being sued over foreclosure of your house?


Can your husband be notified that the house is in foreclosure if he is not on the mortgage?

He is not going to be notified by the mortgage comany unless he is on the loan. He could pick up your mail and read it though. You will also start receiving letters from various law firms in your area regarding the foreclosure which again he might find especially if he is still in the home.

How do you get a 2nd mortgage discharged and keep your house?

You don't. A second mortgage is a secured loan, just as the first morgage. The difference is the first mortgage holder has priority if it involves a lien against the property or foreclosure rights. The only option is to try to negotiate with the lender for reaffirmation of the loan