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Law vary from state to state. If the will doesn't leave it all to the wife, dowry rights allow her to make a claim against the property and obtain some rights to it.

Depending on the state, all real property owned by a man is subject to rights of the wife. It can vary, again by state, but could be a life estate in the homestead, or up to 50% of the value of all the property.

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Q: Your husband dies and the house and property are in his name how do dowry rights help out the wife?
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If lifetime dowry is the same as 'Life Estate', yes, that's how they go. There may be limits to what you can do to or with the house and land, but you can live the rest of your life there. You need an attorney's help if you are having problems with your arrangement.

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Simply stated, you are living in his mother's house at her discretion. You have no rights in her property other than those provided under local landlord/tenant laws. If the property was owned by his mother and your husband inherited the property on her death, then you would inherit it.

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A husband can transfer a home to his wife, and in many cases be exempt from transfer taxes, or he can sell it to her outright as he would anyone else. In some states the wife may already have rights to the property based on her community property rights regardless of what name appears on the title.

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If your mother has a lifetime dowry in the house, you may not have the right to change the locks unless it's explicitly allowed in the terms of the dowry. It's best to review the legal documents and possibly consult with a lawyer to ensure you are acting within the terms of the dowry agreement.

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If your husband has a will then his property is distributed accordingly, if he not have a will then the distribution of property is determined by a probate court.

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You and your husband are the legal owners of the property but it is subject to the mortgage. If you default on the mortgage payments the bank can take possession of the property by foreclosure.

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The answer depends on your jurisdiction and your situation. Any rights you may have would only arise in the case of death or divorce if you're not on the deed. You need to add more details such as whether you live in a community property state, whose names are on the deed for the property, when it was purchased, what tenancy was recited in the deed, etc. If you live in a separate property state and your husband owns a property with his brother you may have no rights in that property whatsoever.

Wife signed quite claim to house to husband but can husband leave house to wife?

Yes. The husband would be the sole owner of the property and could leave it to his wife in his will.

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Legally spouses share all property equally, what is owned by one is the property of both.

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I'm not a lawyer, but generally speaking, if the house is solely in your husband's name, he may have more legal rights related to the property. However, divorce laws can vary by jurisdiction, and factors such as the length of your marriage and your financial contributions might impact the division of property. It's essential to consult with a divorce attorney who can provide guidance specific to your situation and help protect your rights.