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=OK shes most likely feels that==she can't trust u or u and her are not that close==together or she doesn't want u to think her==*cough coughs* are big=

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Q: Your girlfriend is too afraid to hug help?
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Should you hug your boyfriend?

YESS !!! hug himm. dont bee afraid. But do NOT be pushy and too touchy . but definatley evry now and then hug him and make him know you still aree into him.

If a boy said that your his girlfriend and then was just kidding around does that mean he likes you?

it means he wants you to be his girlfriend but his too afraid of how to tell yoou or he might be afraid that you might not feel the same way.

How should you hug your girlfriend?

Wrap your arms around her gently, pulling her close to you. Hold her firmly but not too tight, and make sure she feels safe and loved in your embrace. Pay attention to her body language and adjust your hug accordingly to make her feel comfortable.

Is it too soon to hug my girlfriend from behind if we've been dating for 5 days?

That is far, far too soon. But go ahead and do it, if you want . . . it might be a learning experience for you.

Why does my girlfriend hug and kiss me when we are alone but when she is with her friends she ridicules me?

don't worry. it doesn't mean anything. she probably just thinks its too awkward around her friends to hug and kiss you and that stuff. and if its really an issue to u talk to her she will understand.

Should you hug a girl you like when you see her after being apart for two months?

You should only hug your girlfriend when you are first dating. hug her once in a while to make her feel like u love her..hug her when she is a sad or crying and tell her "it'll be ok"... dont hug too often or else she will feel like you are smothering her

You really want to hug this girl but im too scared to can anyone please help me?

hug her and if she doesnt like it just say that it was only a friendly hug trust me its an easy way to find her feelings and if she hugs back try being friends!!

What do you do when ya ex girlfriend wants to be mates with you after cheating on you in a 4 year relationship but still wants to kiss and hug but not get back with you?

She wants to have her cake and eat it, too. Tell her to take a hike.

What lets you know when you are in a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship?

when u either txt,call each other,hug,maybe kiss,hang out, and talk too much but three or four of those

How do you get a girl to be you're girlfriend but you are afraid to ask her?

most girls worth dating aren't interested in guys who are too scared to ask them out- end of story

Why don't Chinese people hug in public?

because they think they are too cool to hug in public

Help looking for a boyfriend?

mee too im looking for a girlfriend