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Q: You were married 17 years to your exhusband and you remarried for 3 months and divorced him will you still be elgible for his retirement since you divorced the 2nd time?
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How long do you have to have TSgt on before you are elgible for MSgt?

24 months before cutoff 31 Dec

Are you elgible to receive foostamps if you owe back child support?

... eligible to receive food stamps [SNAP] ... yes

You got 5.5 bands in ielts iam elgible to do masters in Australia?

depends upon the university which u are going to choose

Eligibility for MCA?

degree with maths\computer science\electronics as one optional subject and final year is elgible to apply

How much is a propel phone?

Best Buy has the best prices for phones believe or not, and I was elgible for an upgrade in my 2 year contract and i got it for $49.99.

How do you get financial aid for school after it has been terminated for GPA the last time you attende this college was 5 years ago?

The best way to get financial aid after your GPA has dropped below required GPA to be elgible for financial aid is to get your GPA back up to the minimum level required. Otherwise you will need to find need based scholarships that you may be elgible for.

How can I find out more information about housing loans?

You can go to your local home loan company any or any bank and they can do some calculations to determine in you are elgible for a home loan at your present income level.

When does the hot wheels 2012 factory sealed master set come out?

12/20-12/23 2012 on hotwheels you must have a membership to be elgible to buy it. They send a notice to registered members.

Can a convictedfelon now out of prisonthat has done 5 or10 more years receive disability and how do theygo about getting it?

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People who are HIV positive are they elgible to re ceive SSI?

Being HIV+ does not immediately qualify you to receive SSI or disability. HIV+ individuals must prove they are unable to perform basic job duties before receiving benefits.

What are the 3 requirements to become elgible for president?

The US Constitution imposeses these requirements to be eligible to be elected President: 1. Must be at least 35 years of age. 2. Must be a natural born US citizen. 3. Must reside within the US for at least 14 years.

How much do you have to earn to be elgible to get child tax credit if filing a 1099?

Yes just complete your 1040 federal income tax return correctly and completely and IF you have a net profit it is possible that you will qualify for some of the federal tax credits that are available to taxpayers that have the qualifying earned income for this purpose.