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It might. Pictures are the biggy and unless you have children that will want to see pictures of dear old dad/mom at some point, there is no need to hang on to them. BUT - don't go crazy getting rid of things that you actually might want, use, enjoy or need down the road. Put them in a box and take them to a friend's house, storage center or parents house to store so you aren't always seeing them. I wouldn't toss my big screen TV even if it reminded me of that jerk spending every week-end on the couch watch sports! Know what I mean. Don't cut off your nose (so to speak)! You are going to have to go through the process of grief, anger, yada, yada anyway. You can't make it happen any faster than it is going to happen. A better way to speed recovery is to keep busy with positive things like exercise, going out with friends. Also see if your church or local organization has meetings for divorced people. You might find a great avenue to "vent" as well as make some new friends.

{| |- | Getting rid of the photographs and still frames could be a good option if you find these memories very disturbing, you could return expensive gifts too if that helps you feel better. You could speak out in a forum of dedicated divorce bloggers, I find answers most of the time. you could follow the same as well.. try this link


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Q: You just got divorce this week and you are extremely disturbed you would want to know if getting rid of things that would remind you of your previous marriage would help get over it faster?
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