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If your landlord won't give you your deposit or last month's rent back you need to take him to small claims court. The judge will then decide who gets what. Your landlord has the right to keep your deposit if you violate the terms of your lease, including, but not limiting to terminating it early without good cause. He doesn't have the right, however, to keep your last month's rent as a security deposit.

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Q: You have to break your lease early and the land lord wont give you your deposit or last month rent back and you have a room mate he told me she has to give me my money back not him is this legal?
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Can you get your security deposit back if you break the lease halfway through?

If you were to break a lease for legal reason then it is possible to get your deposit back in most cases. Some legal reasons can include infestations of vermin, noisy neighbors, or criminal activity.

Can you break a lease in Indiana if victim of a crime at that location?

This depends: if you can demonstrate that there is a history of criminal activities, and one of which you are a victim of that type of criminal activity, then you might be able to break the lease. Keep in mind that any time you break a lease your landlord could keep the deposit. But if you break the lease for constructive reasons, such as the fact that your landlord is not doing enough to keep the property secure, safe, and decent, then you can sue the landlord for your deposit back and probably win. However, if you want to break a lease simply because you are victim of a crime that occurred on the property, that reason alone will probably not be a legal excuse.

Is it legal for the tenant to hold your deposit till the lease contract is finished even if the contract is broken?

If the tenant broke the lease via a material breach, the tenant may forfeit his security deposit. However, if the landlord has breached the lease, he must return the full security deposit.

What if you are student from Japan age 19 with poor English skills not understanding you've signed a legal document and you leave your apartment to return home and break the lease 3 months early?

Whenever you sign a contract of any kind, be it a lease, etc., it is UP TO YOU to understand the terms and condition of such contract. If there are any parts that you don't understand, DON'T SIGN IT until you ask the questions you need to ask about it. That being said, the terms of the lease are legal and binding. Any violations of it can result in its corresponding consequences. So if you do break your lease by leaving three months early you are not only going to forfeit your deposit, you may also be responsible for the remaining months under which the apartment remains vacant.

What are some legal ways of getting out of a lease early?

check on the lease agreement but often you can find replacement roommates to take over your lease

Can I break my lease if I just got a Section 8 voucher?

It depends on the terms of your lease and local laws. You may be able to negotiate with your landlord to break the lease early due to your Section 8 voucher, but you should check the lease agreement and seek advice from a legal professional or housing authority for guidance.

Can you break your apartment lease after 25 percent of building is destroyed in a fire?

Once you line up some legal resources, investigate the terms your lease to see if there's any clause that provides you with an opportunity to break lease early.Then check out the guide from This guide has helped a bunch of my friends break their apartment lease by discovering the major loopholes in leasing contracts. Good Luck

Can a landlord break lease do to short sale?

Landlords give all sorts of crazy reasons for wanting to break leases. This is one of the strangest I have ever heard. A lease is a legal contract. It may contain a clause describing how the landlord can break it. The landlord may have sold the building for a whole lot of money. If he can get you out without having to pay you to break the lease then he gets to keep more money. His short sale does not involve you. He has a different motive. His short sale does not give him the right to break a lease. Your problem is your lease with him.

Can a lease require you to break the law?

Not if the lease is legal. It is illegal for any sort of contract to demand criminal actions from one of the parties that signed it. If it does have any such demands the contract is invalid.

If you have a lease what are the ways or resons to break the lease?

There is no legal route to get out of a typical 12 month lease agreement (I assume this is what you are referring too). The best way is to explain your situation to the landlord of why you feel you need to get out of the lease agreement and see if they show any sympathy and let you out.

Me and my boyfriend rented a room now my boyfriend move out but he is the one on the lease now the landlord wants me to pay500 and take me to court can she do that?

Although the Lease was on your boyfriends name,and you were both living together at the time the lease was prepared,you do not have any legal rights to remain in the room..perhaps the reason why your landlord 's demanding the 500,is to re-write a new lease on your name.Also,was a deposit paid by your boyfriend to the landlord? If the deposit was paid,what happened to it? My advise to you is to speak to a local lawyer in your area immediately.

Can you break your lease for a medical condition?

Yes this is one of the best and legal way to break your lease. But you need to make sure that you will give some proofs to your landlord for them to believe you. Landlord will legally allow the tenant to move out especially if they really have medical condition that can badly affect the community.