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Yes, but if you're not married to her, you have no rights to the child. see link

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Q: You are the father same last name signed birth certificate do i have to pay child support?
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Related questions

Can you get the father of your child for child support even though your husband signed the birth certificate?

Unlikely. Your husband is the legal father of the child.

If you sign birth certificate do you have to pay child support if later you are found to not be the father?

No. However, if the alleged father has signed the birth certificate, he is acknowledging that the child is his. There are steps to take in order to be taken off of the birth certificate and relieved of the obligation of child support, including a paternity test and an amendment to the birth certificate.

In the state of Mississippi can someone be made to pay child support on a child who is not really theirs even if they signed the birth certificate?

The man who signed the birth certificate is the child's legal father until/unless a court rules otherwise, and can be made to pay support.

Who signed Helen Keller's birth certificate?

Helen Keller's birth certificate was signed by Dr. Thomas Hopkins, who was the attending physician at her birth.

If another man signed the birth certificate is the father still responsibl?

By law, the "father" is the man who signed the birth certificate unless/until paternity is established in some other way.

What documents are needed to ask for support if father is unknown on birth certificate?

If the father is unknown, you can't file for support.

Does the father's name have to be on the birth certificate for the mother to collect child support?

The father can file for this change.

Your son was boen in Germany on a military base the father and you are not married the father signed the birth certificate is that certificate leagal in the states?

yeah sure whatever homboyy

Can a father force an unwed mother to give her baby his name in NJ after the birth certificate is already signed and done?

By court order, he can, if he's under a child support order.

Will the father of a new baby have to pay child support if he signs the birth certificate?

Yes and he still have to pay whether he signs the birth certificate or not.

Can my husband who is not the father of my unborn child sign the birth certificate?

yes,i think your husband can adopt your child.Without notification, the father can challenge. The man need not have ever signed or seen the birth certificate to still be ordered to pay child support.

Does the father have to sign the birth certificate in the hospital?

I know that in the state of pennsylvania, the father must be present to sign the babies birth certificate in order for the baby to have the fathers last name.