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If you are living with someone who is not the childâ??s parent, they have no obligation to pay toward support of your child. If your live-in boyfriend pays toward shelter, clothing, food, or other items, the non-custodial parent paying support can try to petition the court for a decrease in support payments. It would be up to a judge, and it would depend whether or not the non-custodial parent can prove it. Every state has a formula setting a minimum amount of child support based on the financial resources of the parent, and takes into consideration other factors.

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Q: You are the custodial parent you are now living with your boyfriend If your court order were to be modified would his income effect the amount your children receive?
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That's up to the judge, but generally is only applicable when a father gets custody while owing, as only 7 out of 1000 mothers pay support to custodial fathers.

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By applying to a court.

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The child support must be paid to the custodial parent unless the parents agree otherwise and the child support order is modified by the court.

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In Minnesota the custodial parent must receive permission from the court to move out of the state with the children. You must show why you want to move (employment for instance). The non-custodial parent can argue his/her side and the judge will then make a final decision as to whether you can move the children out of the state.

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Not arbitrarily. The custodial parent would have to receive permission from the court for the change in residence.

Does a non custodial parent still have to pay child support when the custodial parent is in jail?

Yes, unless the non-custodial parent gets custody. In that case the non-custodial parent must file a motion to terminate the child support order. The child support should be paid to whoever has custody of the child. If it's not the non-custodial parent then the child support order should be modified to reflect the party that should receive the child support payments. You have to pay for your child so you have to pay to the one who has custody while the other parent is in prison. If the state has custody you will pay the state.

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Karma is a great thing. The non-custodial parent will eventually lose if they did not file expressly to avoid the refund going to you. However, look at the IRS site for exceptions which allow not filing.

Can you receive child support with custodial parent living outside us?

Yes, under the Hague Treaty.

When boyfriend dies does the girlfriend receive anything or does it go to to his children he had only a hand written will which we believe it was forged.?

They are not married, so the girlfriend can get anything and there is no legal document that supports.

In the state of NJ can the custodial parent receive a support order if the non-custodial parent is incarcerated?

According to Judge David Grey Ross, Commissioner of the Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, no.