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Any, and all, paperwork you can find that deals with the subject you're being sued over. If you are being sued and taken to your second court appearance and yet, you are asking on this venue what you need to bring - YOU REALLY NEED THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY.

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Q: You are being sued and have a second courtdate for motion for summary disposition by plantiff what do you take to court?
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What is Plantiff's motion for summary judgment in a foreclosure case?

The Plaintiff's motion for summary judgment is asking the court to rule on all pleadings that have been filed in the case. This happens if one of the defendants has filed an response or answer. The Plaintiff will usually ask for judgment when filing a motion for summary judgment.

What if plantiff doesn't show up for court when a motion to dissolve was granted for the defendant?

Makes no differnece if the Plaintiff was present or not. It does not change the order, or the meaning, or the effect of it.

What does a petition motion disposition mean?

it means that somebody likes making up big words

What is the summary of the kinetic theory?

Atoms and molecules are always in motion

How can a motion to oppose judgment summary be written?

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What do you do after a summary judgment has been granted against you?

Recourse? What do you mean by "recourse"? Do you mean what are your options?One option is to do nothing and get a summary judgment against you by default. Not a wise move unless you have no defense to a motion for summary judgment and the moving party does not seek extreme measure from you.You should file a motion in opposition to the motion for summary judgment, putting forth the facts and the law as to why the moving party is not entitled to the granting of a motion for summary judgment.A motion for summary judgment is required to clearly show that given the undisputed facts in the case (facts you have admitted to as being true), the petitioner is entitled to a certain remedy in the form of judgment as a matter of law.So, dispute the facts necessary for them to get summary judgment and dispute the application of the law that they reference as most applicable and appropriate in your case. If you successfully dispute the facts required to get summary judgment and/or you dispute the application of the law that they reference, then their motion for summary judgment will likely fail.AnswerFortunately for you, all reasonable inferences the court must make will be decided in favor of the non-moving party (you). Keep in mind that summary judgment cannot be obtained or defeated by speculation or conjecture alone; there must be specific, concrete facts that establish the claim. If you believe that you are entitled to summary judgment, you may file a cross motion for summary judgment, which details why you are entitled to a summary judgment against the other party. In that case, you will be held to the same standard of proof as the person who is requesting summary judgment against you.

What is the best summary of the kinetic theory?

Atoms and molecules are always in motion

How do you object to a summary judgment?

This depends on jurisdiction. In California, you file an Opposition to a Motion for Summary Judgment - which is a pleading. There are numerous procedural requirements for such a pleading, and great care needs to be taken in drafting this document, given that a Summary Judgment Motion has the potential to decide all of the claims at issue in the litigation.

What is the primary difference between a motion for summary judgment and a motion for judgment as a matter of law at the close of the evidence?

A judgment as a matter of law under Rule 50 occurs during the trial. a summary judgment motion, by contract, muts be made before the trial commences, and is governed by Rule 56.

How long does a judge have to decide summary judgment motion in federal court?

As long as he/she wants!

What is a cross-motion for summary judgment?

A cross-motion for summary judgment is a legal document filed by the opposing party in response to the initial motion for summary judgment. It essentially asks the court to rule in favor of the opposing party based on the same legal reasoning and evidence presented in the initial motion. It allows both parties to seek a final judgment on the legal issues without the need for a trial.

What is a motion for summary judgment in a foreclosure?

A summary judgment motion tells the court that based upon all the pleadings filed in the case, there are no issues of fact for the court to resolve at a trial, and that the plaintiff is entitled to a judgment without a trial, as a matter of law.