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It depends on the laws of the state and the terms and conditions of alimony. Generally, cohabitating wouldn't stop payments - re-marriage would.

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Q: Would an Ex spouse cohabiting be cause to stop paying alimony in FL?
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Can a person collect alimony if convicted of a felony?

Interesting question... I would guess that the person paying the alimony could perhaps petition the court to suspend the alimony payments during the period their ex-spouse was incarcerated.

Do you have to pay alimony to an over staied tourist spouse after a divorce?

Then you married your spouse the question of citizenship goes out the window ... Marriage would make your spouse a citizen ... If so ordered to by a Judge that you have to pay alimony then you have to pay alimony ... If you wish not to pay the Judge will order you to jail and more then like your spouse will enter civil suite and win ...

Does alimony payment stop when spouse remarries in Mississippi?

Alimony continues until the court decides otherwise. If the spouse remarries, the best option to take would be to request a revision of the agreement. Alimony is not set-in-stone, and can be altered based on changing circumstances, but that alter is dependent on the court's view; not your own.

In Florida if your parents are refinancing would your spouse need to sign the mortgage?

Not unless your spouse is on the title to the property. If not and your spouse signs, then your spouse will be fully responsible for paying the mortgage.Not unless your spouse is on the title to the property. If not and your spouse signs, then your spouse will be fully responsible for paying the mortgage.Not unless your spouse is on the title to the property. If not and your spouse signs, then your spouse will be fully responsible for paying the mortgage.Not unless your spouse is on the title to the property. If not and your spouse signs, then your spouse will be fully responsible for paying the mortgage.

I your same-sex ex-spouse entitled to any of your earnings after divorce?

As in Alimony, the same rules would apply.

Does alimonysupport have to continue if the person receiving alimony remarries?

No, upon remarriage alimony would cease. However if you are paying for child support, this will and should continue after the new marriage because you are still responsible for paying for your share of bringing up YOUR children.

Can you get support in terms of monthly payments and if yes under what conditions would this be terminated or modified?

Permanent alimony is the simplest type of spousal support, providing fixed monthly payments from one spouse to another for the life of the spouse with a few provisions. Typically, permanent alimony ends when either spouse dies or when the receiving spouse remarries. If the receiving spouse were to come into a large amount of money, alleviating the need for alimony, that could also be cause to have the alimony order lifted or at least reduced. In addition, permanent alimony can usually be modified under certain circumstances such as a change in income for either spouse or an illness or unforeseen emergency. The adjustment can be permanent or temporary and can go up or down, depending upon the circumstances fueling the modification, depending on specific state law and depending on the terms of the divorce decree.

Can you benefit from any spousal support for having incurred an expense during the marriage?

This type of spousal support is designed to reimburse for an expense incurred by the other spouse during the marriage. The most common example of this would be to order one spouse to pay reimbursement alimony to his or her ex for providing financial support for the family while the spouse attended college or trade school. In these instances, the paying spouse has typically advanced his or her career and usually with the understanding that both parties would benefit together from this investment as a couple. But when the parties divorce soon after the training is complete, the benefits are no longer shared between the couple but become exclusive to the party who received the education. Reimbursement alimony then can provide some relief to the spouse left behind.

When paying child support ends can your ex take you to court for alimony?

no, but I would like to know if she's trying to. Message me.

How long can alimony last in Penna?

In Pennsylvania, alimony can last for a specific period of time decided by the court, or it can be permanent depending on the circumstances of the case. It may also end if the recipient remarries or either party passes away.

Can the new wife be responsible for paying alimony to her husband's ex-wife?

No, you would not be responsible for your husband's alimony payments to his ex-wife if he can't pay. Your income is not considered a factor in payments. Depending on the agreement, your husband may modify the alimony payments in court if he can show proof he is unable to pay.

If your ex is remarried is his new wife responsible for a child support order from a divorce decree?

No. Only the biological parents are responsible for the support of their minor children. I have a different answer: If the parent is being supported by his/her spouse then yes, the new spouse has to pay for child support. Some parents tried to get out of paying child support by not working and letting their new spouse support them but that is illegal. The house hold income is counted.