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you simply are having more withheld each paycheck with less chance that you will owe money at the end of the year to the IRS. My husband and I chose to do this after having to pay money last year for the first time ever after doing our taxes.

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Q: Withholding allowance what is married but withhold at a higher single rate?
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What is the difference between filing married and married separate withholding payroll taxes?

Married Filing Separate will withhold a higher amount than Married Filing Joint. That is the only difference as far as withholding goes.

What is the Difference between filing single and married but take out higher single?

In some cases, such as both spouses working, married people find that not enough tax is being withheld at the married rate, which is the second lowest tax rate after head of household. To solve this, married people can check the 'Married but withhold at higher Single rate' choice in box 3 of Form W-4 [Employee's Withholding Allowance Certificate]. But when it's time to file their tax return, a married person who's having tax withheld at the Single rate would file as Married Filing Jointly. The difference between the higher Single rate and the lower Married Filed Jointly rate can vary from $1 to over $800.

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Married people can file jointly or separately, never as a single person.

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Depends on thier jobs

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"Better" depends on what your individual goals and circumstances are. Choosing zero allowances will result in more being withheld from your paychecks than would choosing one allowance. If you want to be sure to get an income tax refund next year, choose the lower number of allowances. If you want the extra money now, choose the higher number.

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