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OMG! I hope not, no matter what should give something every single month. Don't hide from phone calls or they will call your work, and you neighbors who may have the same card (address pull from internet)

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Q: Will your wages be garnished for not paying your credit card debt in ny?
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What happens if you never paying credit card debt?

You are likely to have your wages garnished. Your credit cards will be cancelled and liens may be placed on property.

In Ohio can your wages be garnished for not paying your credit card debt?

Yes, Ohio allows wage garnishment by a judgment creditor.

Can my wages be garnished for my husband's credit card?

no it cant

Can MN garnish wages from credit cards sent to a lawyer?

Credit Cards cannot be garnished. If there are credit card debts, the wages can be garnished regardless of the location of the cards.

Why are wages garnished in South Carolina?

Wages cannot be garnished for credit card debt in South Carolina. They can be garnished for unpaid taxes and child support.

If you live in NJ and work in Pa can your wages be garnished for credit card debtin NJ?

Yes, your wages can be garnished wherever you work for a debt. Generally, wages are not approved to be garnished for unsecured debt.

Can a person on a fixed income wages be garnished?

A person on fixed income wages can be garnished. The reason I know is because my friends father got his wages garnished because he borrowed to much money on his chase card. Her father has to pay back 35,000: that includes intrest. My advice is to not get a credit card and if you get a credit card, only use it for emergencies only because you do not want your wages garnished when you already have a fixed income.

can my wages be garnished for credit card debt?

Yes, if you were prosecuted for it and a judgment was made against you.

Can your wages be garnished in North Carolina for credit card debt?

No, they can only be garnished for taxes, government services and child support arrearages.

Can you be sued if you don't have a job and can't pay credit card?

Yes....AND/or you would have your wages garnished.

Does Tennessee allow credit card garnishment?

A person's wages can not be garnished unless a judgment is obtained in court against that person. People get sued all the time for credit card debt. Once the credit card company gets a judgment, then they can garnish wages.

Can wages be garnished for not paying credit card?

No, wages can be garnished by an order of the courts for any type of debt. However the credit card company or collections agency MUST first file a lawsuit, obtain a judgment, and then file a motion for garanishment of wages providing the courts with your employers information. Any collections agency telling you that if you do not pay them, that they will garnish your wages is breaking the law, as they can not make threats that they do not have the ability or intentions to do. If that is the case I would contact an FDCPA law firm has you may be entitled to damages for the violation.