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If SHE committed bigamy, yes, she most certainly can. If she was the victim of a bigamist, no.

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Q: Will your ex be arrested if she committed bigamy in Texas?
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What happen if get married and your spouse was never divorce to her ex?

Then it is called a bigamy. Bigamy has big punishment in countries like the US.

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NO your ex cannot have you arrested if you move to another state, unless uu have strict orders that you cannot leave the state for whatever reason.

How can you find out what your ex-boyfriend was arrested for?

ask the cops or his family

Can you be considered common law with a new partner if you and your ex are only separated and not divorced?

No. You cannot go about marrying this new person without being tried for bigamy.

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Ex-Post Facto

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ronnie Glavin. 1982.

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Thousands of people were killed in the height of the Rwandan genocide in 1994. OJ Simpson was arrested for the murder of his ex-wife and her acquaintance, and Kurt Cobain of the popular rock group Nirvana committed suicide.

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== == * 'Ex' means you are no longer committed to each other and you and your ex are free to date whomever you want. This also means you don't have to answer to ex one way or the other. It's time to move on and let your ex get on with their life. * You no longer need to be committed; you can go out and do whatever. Your "ex" doesn't need to tell you.

If your ex calls your cell phone he can be arrested?

Not unless you have taken out a court order to prevent him form doing this.