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Under certain circumstances, yes. Contact the police and/or a lawyer.

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Yes if it is against a court order. It would be considered child abduction. If there is no court order then it would not be against the law if it is your child and you have custody of them.

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Q: Will you be charged with kidnapping if you take your child out of state if I am under the age of 18?
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Is it kidnapping if a parent sends a child to live out of state while they are under a court order for the child to not leave the state?

Yes, and ground for contempt of court with a change of custody.

What are the legal consequences of abducting someone?

Abducting is another word for kidnapping. Kidnapping is a felony offense in every US State and under Federal law.

Are there fines involved when you pump gas under age and for whom?

Yes. In your respective state, you can be charged a fine of up to $10,000 and face criminal charges. Also, you will be charged with child endangerment if someone under age pumps gasoline.

How old does a child have to be for the child to be chargeable for assault in the state of Colorado?

In most states the government will not prosecute someone under the age of 12. Colorado has charged 12 year olds with crimes.

What is it called via the law when children under age 12 are forced and verbally threatened to get into a car - doors locked?

This could be considered child abduction or kidnapping, as well as coercion or duress if the children are being threatened to comply. It is illegal and a serious offense under criminal law.

If you move out and you're under 18 and you move in with a person that is over 18 will that person get in trouble for kidnapping even if you went willingly?

It's certainly possible. Rather or not it would actually happen depends on the laws of your specific state. I have heard of cases (although not a lot, and they were usually cases where the 'runaway' was *very* young) where it has happened. However, even if the person cannot be charged with kidnapping, there are still many other possible charges. What those charges might be (again) depends on the laws of your state. But some possibilities are: contributing to the delinquency of a minor, harboring a runaway, custodial interference, enticing a child, etc.

Is it legal for a step parent to strike a step child?

No, it is not legal for anyone to strike a child under the age of 18. You can be charged with child abuse or cruelty to a child if you strike someone under 18 years old.

If a kid under the age of 15 gets charged with assault and battery considered a felon a misdemeanor or a infraction?

When a child under the age of 15 gets charged with assault and battery, it can be considered either a felony or a misdemeanor depending on the severity of the assault and the state's judgment. There are a large number of factors that can influence this decision.

Is if illegal if you send a dirty pic in a text msg to a girl 19 years old?

Assuming this is under United States jurisdiction, then no. However, if you are under the age of 18, you can be charged with distribution of child pornography, and she may be charged with possession of child pornography

If a minor moves out in the state of California without the legal guardian's consent can the legal guardian get the family that the minor is staying with in legal trouble?

Depends. We don't know the age of the minor. We don't know if the family knew or had reason to know that the child was a minor or not. We don't know if the child was escaping from abuse or claiming abuse. Those could have mitigating factors as to how much trouble the family might be in. Under normal circumstances, if a family were harboring a minor who had run away, yes they could get in trouble. Further, if they took the child across a state line, then they could be charged with kidnapping under federal law, a very serious offense. If the child stopped by a friends home out of state (on his/her own) and let parents to believe that he had permission, then the parent might not be in too great trouble. However, they did have a duty to investigate or inform the family as to how the child was doing. This is not a legal opinion as only an attorney in the state where this was involved could properly give a legal opinion.

Would get a fine if your child is home alone under the age of 12?

Very likely you could lose custody of your under-12 child if you leave him/her at home alone. You could be charged with child endangerment and prosecuted.

Where is a place that will pierce a 12 year olds belly button?

Depending on state laws, it is actually illegal to pierce any child under the age of 16 other then earlobes. Some states, such as Idaho, even classify it as a double edged sword. If someone pierces a minor, the piercer may be charged with child abuse, while the parents are charged with child endangerment. Check the state laws, or piercing parlors to see what their policy is. If it is illegal in the state, and a shop is willing to pierce the minors navel, then beware. If they don't care about the state laws, then what else do they not care about?