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Q: Will they keep your winnings you owe child support?
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Related questions

What happens if you get caught driving when you owe child support?

You will be fined or jailed if you are caught driving when you owe child support.

What if your done with current support but still owe interest for back child support?

what if your done with current child support but still owe interest for back support.

Can you remarry in the state of Alabama if you owe back child support?

You can still remarry but you will still owe the child support arrears.

can you still get a passport if you owe just interest on your child support?

There are limitations on US passports if you owe any child support.

What happens if you owe child support however the child is now an adult?

You still owe the back support. Once the child reaches the age of majority (as defined by the support order) there will be no continuing obligation.

How much of a garnishment can be expected on a tax refund if you are behind in child support?

The amount will depend on how much child support you owe and how much refund you are getting. They can keep the entire refund if necessary.

Will going to college stop you from paying child support?

No. If you owe child support enrolling in college will not make the child support go away. You need to request a modification of the child support order. The existing order is in effect until it is modified.No. If you owe child support enrolling in college will not make the child support go away. You need to request a modification of the child support order. The existing order is in effect until it is modified.No. If you owe child support enrolling in college will not make the child support go away. You need to request a modification of the child support order. The existing order is in effect until it is modified.No. If you owe child support enrolling in college will not make the child support go away. You need to request a modification of the child support order. The existing order is in effect until it is modified.

When a child moves out and then back in do you begin to pay child support again?

Yes, is that child under 18? Then, you owe child support.

If I owe back child support is it possible I will get my refund?


Can you vote if you owe back child support?


You did not know that you have a 15 year old child do you owe back child support?

Child support accrues from the moment the support order is issued, not from the birth of the child.

Can I stop my child support in the state of Kansas since my daughter is 18 and a mother?

NOT if you owe back support. It doesn't matter how old the child is or whether or not she has children IF you owe back support you MUST pay it