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As of right now, no there is not. Some states with exceptionally high unemployment rates have triggered EB(Extended benefits) for up to 20 weeks - this might be considered a Tier III extension. Most people that are on this will expire before the end of summer. The people that have been unemployed since early 2008 are in the worst position - no jobs and extensions to run out!

Congress should pass another legislation for a Tier VI extension before they go on vacation this August 2009. It is desperately needed as unemployment continues to rise. Where are the jobs??

The tally is in. H.R. 3548 passes by a 98-0 margin. It now will move back to the House, which is expected to take up the bill quickly.

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The consensus seems to indicate that yes there will be additional unemployment benefits. In order to simulate the economy the President and Congress must be willing to supply monies for the nearly 15 million unemployed workers.

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The extensions are true unemployment extensions and not just extending eligibility dates.

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Yes, I moved from Minnesota to Ohio and received the extension.

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Can you collect unemployment for leaving your job in Massachusetts and moving to another state?

You can't qualify for the mere act of moving to another state. There has to be other eligibility issues such as the work history, reason for the loss of the job, etc.

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You would have to reapply in the other state. <\<><> Another opinion" Unless the state you were working in had very liberal unemployment laws, your question implies no work problems, no personal hardship (like a death, moving with spouse, etc.) so if for your benefit alone, most states would deny your eligibility.

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