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If you acquire a property by deed then you will be the owner. You will have the right to the use, possession, income and profits from the property. You will have absolute rights in the property. You will also be responsible for the property.

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Q: Will getting the deed signed over to you give you rights over the house?
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What does life's rights mean on a house deed?

What does life rights mean on a deed.

Should you have access to the house if your name is on the mortgage?

No. For access you must be a grantee on the deed. If you are an owner by deed you have the right to the full use and possession of the property. If you only signed the mortgage then you have agreed to pay for property you do not own. You have no other rights in the property.

If you own a house with your spouse and are in the process of getting divorced and the house sold before the divorce do you still split the proceeds?

If both of you signed the deed to the house you are entitled to half. However if your spouse owned the house before you were married it belongs to him.

Are you liable if you are getting a divorce and your house is facing foreclosure but your name is not on the deed?

Getting a devorce and house is facing forclosure but my name is not on deed. Am I liable.

What are the rights of an unmarried partner to the ownership of a house in Ireland when they do not have their name on the Deed nor contribute to the mortgage?

No rights.

Does it matter whose name is first on the deed to a house?

The order in which owners are listed on a deed does not affect the rights or responsibilities of the owners.

Can my sisters and brothers and myself sell my Mom's house she is still alive no longer lives in the house and had signed the house over to us kids about 5 years ago?

Yes. If she reserved any rights in it such as a "life estate" she would need to sign the deed also.

Does value consideration transfer ownership?

No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.No. A deed signed by the owner transfers ownership. The consideration is mentioned on the deed.

Is the deed valid if one of the grantees is dead when the deed is created and recorded?

A deed must be signed by the parties to the deed. If one of them was dead when the deed was created, then they could not have signed the document!

What happens if it is found that the warranty deed was signed by someone who was incompetent to make such a decision Could I lose my house property?

Yes. If a court later decides an individual was under diminished capacity when they signed a deed the conveyance will be voided.

If you did a quit claim deed will you have to pay all the debt on the house there is two mortgages?

I wish you hadn't already signed.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A quit claim, takes away your rights to the property, but, not your responsibility.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ONLY sign at closing when the property is SOLD!

What are your rights in a contract for deed agreement?

You need to review the contract that you signed to determine your rights and obligations under that particular contract. If you signed it already you should have it reviewed by an attorney. The best practice would be to have it reviewed by an attorney before you sign.