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Yes - you will get three points added to your drivers' license record in NJ for making an illegal left turn. There are consequences (from having to pay a surcharge, if you get 6 points within 3 years, to having your license suspended if you get 12 points in 3 years). Insurance companies do base rate increases on the number of points you have acquired.

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Q: Will an improper left turn ticket affect your NY or NJ driving record andor insurance?
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No, they will ask you questions about your driving record, but they can get your record from the state you are applying in.

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Driving record are permanent, They never go away. Fortunately, assessement of points will end after 10 years by your state and most insurance companies will only look at your driving record for the last 3 to 5 years, so after that it is unlikely to affect your insurance rates.

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This would only affect the drivers DMV record. It would not impact the insurance or MVR of the owner of the vehicle.

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Anyone can be listed on your car insurance policy as long as they have a valid driver's license. You just have to remember if that person has a bad driving record it will affect your insurance.

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yes. it goes on your record and insurance companys look at you record from time to time

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I'm not sure, but driving without insurance is STUPID, and DANGEROUS!

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That's simple. Just tell your insurance agent that they will be driving the car. However, know this. Your spouse's driving record will directly affect your insurance premiums regardless of whether or not they will EVER be driving your car. Not fair but completely legal in Ontario.

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woundn't write the insurance policy. Company Guidlines

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will a speeding ticket in Europe affect my U.S. driving record?

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Your driving record is still your driving record regardless of what you were driving when you got the ticket.