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No, it does not. You will still need to fulfill the requirements to get a Hawai'i license. This includes taking all the required Praxis tests for your field (unless you can provide current Praxis scores that cover the same areas). For elementary teachers, that includes 6 subtests. This site will give more information:

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only if it is credential from a school that is excepted in Washington

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No, A California teaching credential will not transfer to Minnesota. Minnesota and Iowa are not a part of the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification.

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6y ago

Contact the Colorado Department of Education to inquire about your specific situation. Please see our interstate reciprocity disclaimer for more information.

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Q: Does a California teaching credential transfer to Washington?
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Will an Iowa teaching credential transfer to California?

Yes an Iowa teaching credential will transfer to California. However, once you obtain a preliminary California credential you will then have to supplement it with a basic knowledge test (CBEST), and eventually to become permanent you will need a series of Bilingual teaching classes (BCLAD). Overall it is pretty easy.

Will an Oregon teaching credential transfer to California?

A California credential will transfer but with a catch. Many states, including CA, allow teachers with an out of state credential to teach, but must drop the status of their credential down a few steps. For instance, Oregon and Washington will allow the transfer but your credential will be "transitional" or the equivalent of a "preliminary credential" here in CA. The link below offers the list of reciprocity or interstate agreement in regards to teaching credentials. Some states are easy to get into while others are not. See for yourself at:

Will a California teaching credential transfer to a Iowa teaching credential?

No, a California teaching credential will not transfer to the state of Iowa. Iowa does not participate in the Interstate Agreement with the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification.

Does an Indiana teaching credential transfer to California?

Most teaching credentials do transfer from state to state. However, licensing for the new state may be required in order to get a job.

Does a California teaching credential transfer to Pennsylvania?

Yes, a California teaching credential will transfer to the state of Pennsylvania. They are in agreement with the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification for an Interstate agreement.

Does a Hawaii teaching license transfer to California?

It depends on what you want to teach, but, in general, if you are fully certified in Arizona, it will transfer to California. You will have to submit your certification and apply for a new one. Additionally, there is a fee. Go to http:/ and that will tell you everything you need to know.

What transfer education directly results in a?

A Bachelor's degree in Education typically leads to a teaching credential and a career as an educator. This transfer education provides the academic knowledge and skills needed to pursue a teaching profession in schools. It includes courses in pedagogy, curriculum development, classroom management, and subject-specific content knowledge.

Does a Texas teaching certificate transfer to California?

I got this directly from the Texes State Board for Educator Certification:An applicant who has been issued a standard certificate or credential from another state, territory of the United States , or another country may apply for a Texas certificate. The credential must be equivalent to a certificate issued by the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC), and must not have been revoked, suspended, or pending such action. SBEC will evaluate an expired credential provided it was standard at the time of issuance. A statement issued by another state department of education specifying eligibility for standard certification upon completion of certain employment or examination requirements will have the same standing as a standard certificate.

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Yes, an Alabama teaching certificate will transfer to the state of Georgia. With the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, teachers are able to move from state to state.

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