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Q: Why were there two referendums on conscription?
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Related questions

Was conscription used in WW1?

No. The people of Australia voted "No" in two separate referendums.

How was propaganda used in australia during the conscription campaign of ww1?

Propaganda was used in Australia during World War I to sway public opinion towards conscription. It involved exaggerating the threat to Australia, questioning the loyalty of those who opposed conscription, and portraying conscription as necessary for the survival of the nation. This propaganda campaign divided the country, leading to two referendums on conscription in 1916 and 1917, both of which were defeated.

What are two ways citizen are part of the lawmaking process?

Initiatives and referendums

What are the two ways citizens are part of the lawmaking process?

Initiatives and referendums

What was two groups against conscription were formed in 1964?

Save Our Sons, and The Youth Campaign against Conscription.

What the plural form of referendum?

The plural form of referendum is "referendums" or "referenda."

What was the Populist position on initiatives and referendums?

They wanted initiatives and referendums because government should be more responsive to public opinion.

Forcing people into military service?

It is conscription (or drafting).

How many referendums were there in Canada?


What if the plural of referendum?

The plural of "referendum" is "referendums" or "referenda." Both forms are commonly accepted.

What is conscription what is another word for it?

conscription means murder and rape and another name for conscription is bob

What happens conscription?

conscription is drafting or when you have to serve in war